Animals and birds feeder live camera
This live animal stream from the Czech. You can expect to see a wide variety of birds and small mammals.
Winter feeder live stream
This online camera is located on the forest by the near in Tresna, Poland
Feeding the birds that visit your garden can significantly increase their survival chances during the winter months.
Some smaller bird species need to consume almost one third of their own body weight in food every day, so providing high energy food for them has a very positive effect.
The kinds of birds you can expect to visit your garden, allotment or the area around your workplace will depend on your location, the time of year and the habitat around you. Urban gardens are more likely to have house sparrows, tits, pigeons, jackdaws. Each of these species will have its own preferred way of feeding – from a hanging feeder, a high bird table or on the ground. Try to feed your birds in a variety of different ways to reflect their preferences.
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